Full Time Faculty Review Procedures
Full-Time Faculty Review Procedures
Faculty reviews are conducted for multiple year, renewable contracts only. This includes tenure-track professorial faculty, professors of professional practice, senior lecturers, and lecturers. Review Committees are appointed by the SIPA Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs in consultation with the SIPA Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Committee members must hold appropriate (higher) rank than the candidate under review. The review committee submits their report to be reviewed, first by the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP) and then by a meeting of the appropriate full-time SIPA faculty. In the case of continuing or tenure reviews, two meetings of the faculty are required.
SIPA Review Guidelines can be found in Courseworks files within the appropriate faculty committee page.
Evaluated based on teaching, research, publications, service to school.
Ranks (and possible promotions) include: assistant, associate, full.
The typical review schedule is as follows:
- All initial appointments to a non-tenured rank are for one year only. Subsequent appointments may be for a term of one, two, or three years.
- The statutory limit on all full-time, non-tenured appointments is eight consecutive years of counted service. Reappointment beyond this date requires the granting of tenure.
- Under SIPA policy, associate professors without tenure may not normally hold appointment at that rank for more than five years of counted service.
*If the candidate holds a joint appointment with another department (in A&S), the review is done jointly and the candidate must pass both SIPA and the joint department.
Lecturers and Senior Lecturers are evaluated on the basis of teaching excellence, pedagogical contributions to SIPA’s mission, and recognition in their fields of expertise.
Ranks (and possible promotions) include: Associate, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer.
The typical review schedule is as follows:
- All initial appointments are for one year only. Subsequent appointments may be for a term of one, two, or three years. Passage of the major review and subsequent continuing reviews carry the opportunity for continuation for a term of up to five years.
- Faculty hired as associates are reviewed for renewal of appointment in the first, second, fifth, and eighth years of service. Promotion to Lecturer is possible at the time of the second-year review.
- Faculty hired as lecturers are reviewed for renewal of appointment in the first, second, fifth, and eighth years of service. Following a successful major review, lecturers undergo continuing reviews every five years thereafter.
- Faculty hired as senior lecturers undergo major review prior to appointment or during first year of service. Senior lecturers undergo continuing reviews every five years after initial appointment.
- Dossiers include a current curriculum vitae; a statement of teaching philosophy and pedagogical activity; a statement of professional activity including discussion of work in progress and future plans; and course materials such as syllabi, class presentation material, problem sets, and case studies; and copies of professional publications and works in progress. The Office of Academic Affairs will make the candidate’s teaching evaluations available to the review committee.
Professors of Practice are evaluated based on effectiveness as a teacher; accomplishments and potential as a practitioner, including publications appropriate to the field of practice; service to the School and the University.
Ranks (and possible promotions) include: assistant, associate, full.
The typically review schedule is as follows:
- All initial appointments are for one year only. Subsequent appointments may be for a term of one, two, or three years. Passage of the major review and subsequent continuing reviews carry the opportunity for continuation for a term of up to five years. If hired as assistant or associate, the clock may differ slightly.
- No faculty member may hold a practice appointment for more than eight counted years of service without successfully passing the major review.
Dossiers include a current curriculum vitae; a statement of teaching philosophy and pedagogical activity; a statement of professional activity including discussion of work in progress and future plans; and course materials such as syllabi, class presentation material, problem sets, and case studies; and copies of professional publications and works in progress.
The Office of Academic Affairs will make the candidate’s teaching evaluations available to the review committee.