Catalyzing breakthrough collaborations
This initiative brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners and central bankers from around the world in a unique collaborative effort to shed new light on how central banks and policy institutions can improve the functioning and stability of the global financial system.
Founded in 2004, the Columbia-Harvard China and the World program (C&WP) is committed to integrating the advanced study of China’s foreign relations into the field of international relations, by bringing exceptional young scholars whose work bridges China studies and international relations together with recognized scholars in these fields.
The Kent Global Leadership Program on Conflict Resolution helps prepare the next generation of global practitioners for the complexities of contemporary conflict.
Established by Brazilian entrepreneur Jorge Paulo Lemann, the Lemann Fellowship promotes student exchange between Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and Brazil.
The Annual Global Policy Challenge Program invites students to form teams to propose student-designed projects and prototypes that use ICTs and/or data analytics to solve global policy problems.
The SIPA Cyber Initiative is a global hub for policy-relevant research, training, and convening on cybersecurity, internet governance, and the digital economy.
The Sustainable Investing Research Initiative (SIRI) aims to serve as a leading international hub for scholarship, education, and dialogue on system-level investing.