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SIPA Cyber

Building a more Sustainable Cyberspace

SIPA Cyber is Columbia University's interdisciplinary hub for research and engagement in the area of cybersecurity and policy. Our research focuses on systemic cyber risks, improving understanding of cyber conflict, and the policy challenges of trust and safety. We collaborate with scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and technologists from around the world to address complex questions and develop innovative solutions, ultimately fostering a more resilient Internet.

Build your SIPA Degree with Cyber

SIPA Cyber has expanded the graduate curriculum at Columbia SIPA to include additional classes and capstones around cyber risks, cyber conflict, and cyber policy. These classes see interest from students pursuing a variety of interests from International Finance and Economic Policy, International Organizations and UN Studies and more.

The International Security Policy concentration recently added Cybersecurity as a focus area for its students.

Meet our Faculty and Affiliates

Senior Research Scholar in the Faculty of International and Public Affairs; Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs
Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs
Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs
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Contact Us

SIPA Cyber

Erva Kan
Program Coordinator
SIPA Cyber Initiative
School of International and Public Affairs
420 West 118 Street

[email protected]