
Central Banking and Financial Policy

This initiative brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners and central bankers from around the world in a unique collaborative effort to shed new light on how central banks and policy institutions can improve the functioning and stability of the global financial system.

Upcoming Events

9th Annual SIPA/BPI Bank Regulation Conference

February 27th, 2025 

Please join us for the 9th annual Research Conference on Bank Regulation.  It will be held in-person on February 27th, 2025 at Columbia University.  The purpose of the conference is to bring together academics, market participants, and policymakers to discuss the latest research on how regulation affects credit formation and economic activity.  


CBFP Event banner

The extraordinary policy responses to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 and Covid-19 have transformed central banking and financial policymaking in the last decade. Financial regulation has been tightened, monetary policy has required new unconventional tools, and financial stability and macroprudential policies have proliferated. Greater understanding, debate, and analysis of these policies are needed so the next generation of global policy leaders can ensure financial and economic stability.

Video: "The Future of the International Monetary System" with Haruhiko Kuroda and Alan Blinder

Alma Mater Statue

Contact Us

Central Banking and Financial Policy (CBFP)

Patricia C. Mosser
Director, Central Banking and Financial Policy (CBFP); Senior Research Scholar

School of International and Public Affairs
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]