Monetary Policy Implementation and Digital Innovation

Event Date: June 1, 2022 | The International Affairs Building
Opening Remarks: by John Williams, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Overview: David Mills, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System [slides]
Session 1: How do digital currencies fit in the money markets ecosystem?
- Moderator: Elizabeth Klee, U.S. Department of the Treasury [slides]
- Andrea Maechler, Swiss National Bank [slides]
- Rod Garratt, University of California Santa Barbara [slides]
- Josh Younger, JPMorgan Chase & Co
Session 2: How could digital currencies impact monetary policy frameworks?
- Moderator, Trevor Reeve, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Eswar Prasad, Cornell University
- Andrew Hauser, Bank of England [remarks]
- Thomas Vlassopoulos, European Central Bank [slides]
Contrarian wrap-up by Marco DiMaggio, Harvard University
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Opening Remarks: by Patricia Mosser, Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
Digital Asset Perspective: by Jeremy Allaire, Circle
Session 3: What are the international implications for digital currencies?
- Moderator: Patricia Mosser, Columbia University
- Bernard Wee, Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Tobias Adrian, International Monetary Fund
- Daniel Heller, Fnality International
Dealing with Digital Innovation in Payments: by Holger Neuhaus, European Central Bank [slides]
Small Open Economies: by Aishah Ahmad, Central Bank of Nigeria [slides]
Closing remarks: by Lorie Logan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Organizers and Sponsors
Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs
Federal Reserve Bank of New York