Research & Publications
Project on Cyber Risk to Financial Stability
In 2018, the Project on Cyber Risk to Financial Stability published two papers, the first of which provides a general review of cyber risk to financial stability and the second develops a unique framework to assist analysts in assessing how cyber risks might affect financial stability.
Research Papers
The Use and Effectiveness of Conventional Liquidity Tools Early in the Financial Crisis, by William English and Patricia C. Mosser, Chapter 2 in First Responders, Inside the U.S. Strategy for Fighting the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis, Yale University Press, forthcoming, 2019.
Policy Papers
A European 10-point plan as an economic response to Corona, by Andreas Dombret and Jörg Rocholl, June 2020.
Conference Papers
- Can Macroprudential Policy Make Global Finance Safer?
- Macroprudential Policy: Goals, Conflicts, and Outcomes
- Macroprudential Policies in Emerging Markets
- Macroprudential Policy In Switzerland: The First Lessons
- Policy Responses To Asset Price Bubbles In Japan And The U.S.: The Myth And The Reality
- Macroprudential Policies: A View From Chile
- Macroprudential Measures For Addressing Housing Sector Risks
- Regulatory Reform: A Scorecard
- Deregulating Wall Street
- Why does the Fed do what it does? How could it do better?
- The Political Economy of Central Bank Balance sheet Management