

Central Banking and Financial Policy brings together policymakers, academic researchers, policy experts, students, and financial industry participants to discuss important current policy issues and looming financial developments where more research on policy choices and outcomes is needed. To date, CBFP has done that through a series of  public: conferencesworkshopsspeechesroundtables, and guest lectures, on topics including monetary policyregulation and supervisory policy, macroprudential policies, and financial structure and stability issues.

Monetary Policy Workshops

Featured Video

Reserve Reductions, Money Markets, and Future Frameworks

The workshop provides an annual forum for new thinking and debate about central bank operating procedures and frameworks.

The New York Fed and Columbia SIPA annual Workshop on Monetary Policy Implementation is an annual event which brings together international experts in monetary policy design and implementation to brainstorm and debate the “new normal” for central banks. Plans (and execution of plans) for the normalization of monetary policy are an opportunity for central banks to step back and consider how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of monetary policy, taking into account the lessons of the 2007-09 financial crisis and the important changes in global financial structure since then. The workshop provides an annual forum for new thinking and debate about central bank operating procedures and frameworks. Participants span academia, the financial industry, as well as current and former central bankers from around the world– to discuss the “new normal” in central bank monetary policy implementation frameworks.

Bank Regulation Research Conferences

This conference aims to improve dialogue across the major stakeholders in financial regulatory policy.

The Columbia SIPA-Bank Policy Institute Annual Bank Research Conference brings together experts from academia, regulatory agencies and the financial industry each year to discuss and debate the latest research on bank regulation and its impact on the financial system and the economy.  Research papers (chosen from an open Call for Papers each year) are presented by authors and discussed by both researchers and regulatory practitioners.  The aim of the conference it to improve dialogue across the major stakeholders in financial regulatory policy.

Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association 

The mission of CEBRA is to encourage applied and theoretical research on topics relevant to central banks, financial regulators, international financial institutions, and fiscal authorities, as well as to connect the research staff of these institutions with academia.

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association took place in-person from 5-7 July 2023, at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (July 5) and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) (July 6-7) in New York City, USA. Co-organized with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Columbia SIPA, and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research “Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe (SAFE)”

The 2023 Annual Meeting #CEBRA23 offered seven parallel session tracks featuring 39 sessions in total, covering a wide variety of policy relevant topics. 

CEBRA 2023 Conference

Seventh Annual FRBP Conference 

SIPA co-organized the Seventh Annual Fintech Conference with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

The conference provided a platform for fintech experts from various backgrounds to come together to discuss emerging issues in financial technology, their impact, and the appropriate policy responses. 

2020 Webinar Series: Central Banking in the COVID-19 Era

Featured Webinar

Global Liquidity and International Lender of Last Resort

This webinar will cover new and old lessons about global liquidity and international lender of last resort: effectiveness, usage and limits of swap line arrangements; the evolution of multilateral lending arrangements particularly for EMs; the IMF short-term liquidity facilities; and lessons on global liquidity risks from the COVID period.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked extraordinary economic policy responses by central banks, financial regulators and other financial policymakers around the world.  This webinar series will be bring together current and former policymakers from central banks and regulators, as well as SIPA faculty and other scholars, to discuss the structure and impact of these changes.  Which policies have been more or less effective in “cushioning the blow” of the pandemic for households and businesses?  How have different economic policymakers -- fiscal, monetary, regulatory -- coordinated their policy responses either within or across countries? How has the nature of this particular crisis driven policy choices? What practical policy lessons have we learned from the experience so far?  What else may need to be done on the economic policy front?

Conferences and Roundtables

Featured Video

The Future of Global Finance:  Populism, Technology and Regulation

A research conference on technological innovation and financial regulation sponsored by SIPA and the Imperial College Business School.

Keynote Address: Jacob Lew, Former US Secretary of Treasury

Book Talks

Featured Book Talk

Unelected Power: The Search for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State

A discussion on the role of independent central banks in modern democratic states. Spurred by Paul Tucker’s new book, the discussion explores what it means for central banks to be independent agencies, the evolution of central bank authority and state of central bank independence today.

Author: Paul Tucker, Harvard Kennedy School and Systemic Risk Council

Lectures, Speeches, and Panels

Featured Discussion

Central Bank Independence: A Panel Discussion

A discussion of what central bank independence really means, from a practitioners perspective. 

Stanley Fischer, Former Vice-Chair of the Federal Reserve and Former Governor of the Bank of Israel

Ilan Goldfajn, Former Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil

Kathryn Judge, Harvey J. Goldschmid Professor of Law, Columbia Law School