Full Time Faculty Leave Procedures
Leave Policies
With some exceptions, only full-time faculty are entitled to leaves. Full-time faculty may request leaves of absence for scholarly purposes and exemptions from teaching duties (ETDs) if they hold an appointment in a professorial rank, with the exception of those with visiting titles. Professors and associate professors with tenure are eligible for sabbatical leaves. All full-time faculty, regardless of rank, may receive leaves for medical reasons, child care, military or public service, or compelling personal need.
Faculty who are on leave are expected to continue to supervise the work of their students (with the exception of those who are on protected medical leaves). In particular, faculty on leave remain responsible for providing guidance to their student advisees who are conducting research for or writing doctoral, master’s, or undergraduate theses. They should be present for any qualifying exams or theses defense remotely if they cannot be present in person.
Most leaves are authorized for no more than one year at a time, but the Provost may approve a second consecutive year on the recommendation of the dean or vice president. Faculty normally may be on leave for a maximum of two consecutive years. Further extensions are rarely given, except in the case of long-term leaves for medical reasons or military service.
More information on Faculty Leaves is available in the Faculty Handbook chapter on Leaves.
Process for requesting Leaves
Faculty must send a formal request by writing an email to the Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs. If approved, this email exchange is presented to the Provost’s office as the faculty member’s formal request and Vice Dean’s approval. The Senior Assistant Dean submits the request and the relevant documentation to the Provost’s office for the Provost’s formal approval.