Instructional Support
SIPA Instructional Resources
Access essential tools and guides here to support your teaching and academic duties at SIPA. This page provides quick links to the SIPA Bulletin, faculty and TA handbooks, classroom reservations, academic calendars, and development workshops.
Guides and Handbooks
- The SIPA Bulletin - Outlining academic policies, academic programs, course descriptions, and degree requirements
- SIPA's Teaching Guide for Faculty - Comprehensive guidelines and tools for teaching at SIPA
- SIPA's Handbook for Teaching Assistants and Readers - Essential procedures and best practices to support the roles of teaching assistants and readers at SIPA
Educational Development
- Columbia's Center for Teaching and Learning - Professional development programs and events to connect Columbia faculty and instructors to practical teaching approaches, resources, and instructional technologies.
- SIPA Time Out Funding - Enhancing faculty-student engagement by funding meals for discussions outside the classroom