SIPA Centers & Institutes
SIPA's interdisciplinary research centers and institutes facilitate groundbreaking research, high-level convening, dialogue with renowned practitioners and policymakers, and innovative curricula. In addition to our SIPA-based programs, we are also affiliated with more than a dozen centers at Columbia University, many of them devoted to exploration of specific regions around the world.
SIPA Research Centers Accordion
One fifth of the world’s population lives on less than $1.25 per day, and two-fifths on less than $2 per day, with the frequent hunger, chronic health problems, and everyday indignities that such poverty entails. SIPA’s Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP) supports microeconomic research to investigate the sources of poverty and to inform practical interventions to address them.
SIPA’s Center for Environmental Economics and Policy (CEEP) undertakes original research into the causes of environmental change, the consequences of this change for humanity, and the policies that can prevent and—where possible—reverse harmful environmental change to ensure sustainable development. CEEP’s goal is to share this knowledge with policymakers, fellow researchers, students, and concerned citizens worldwide. A defining feature of the Center's research is the integration of analytic approaches from economics with the natural sciences and engineering.
SIPA’s Center on Global Economic Governance (CGEG) is a premier Center for producing a new wave of policy-oriented research on global economic governance, stressing excellence and recognition. In particular, CGEG involves and provides a stimulating environment for SIPA and Columbia faculty and students, and brings in top external academics, policy makers, and business leaders to address issues facing the world.
We are at a transformational moment in energy history: new technologies are unlocking new resources and devising new ways to get energy as climate change impacts are being felt with more frequency and severity. SIPA’s Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) provides independent, balanced, data-driven analysis to help policymakers navigate the complex world of energy.
The Deepak and Neera Raj Center on Indian Economic Policies aims to promote economic prosperity in India, by improving understanding of the Indian economy through research undertaken by leading scholars, by disseminating this knowledge to practitioners, policymakers, students and scholars worldwide, and by sustaining ongoing dialogues on major policy issues facing India. The Center’s research also includes comparative analysis of the experience of India and the United States in policy-relevant areas, such as climate change and federalism, to provide scholarly support for multilateral and bilateral (US-India) initiatives.
Through a dynamic program of initiatives—from policy reports to signature speaker series—The Institute of Global Politics (IGP) develops insights and actionable solutions to global challenges. IGP is also preparing the next generation of policy leaders, providing opportunities for Columbia students to gain hands-on experience in policy making and unparalleled access to experts in the field.
Founded in 1951 under the sponsorship of Dwight D. Eisenhower, during his tenure as president of Columbia University, the Institute of War and Peace Studies (IWPS) was renamed the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies (SIWPS) in March 2003. Created to promote understanding of the "disastrous consequences of war upon man's spiritual, intellectual, and material progress," the institute has become one of the leading research centers on international relations in the United States. Its researchers have probed the political, military, historical, legal, economic, moral, psychological, and philosophical dimensions of international relations, and contributed to the general discourse.