Faculty Support
SIPA's faculty comprises renowned thinkers and expert practitioners who shape public policy around the world and the next generation of global leaders. Our professors examine and address today's most challenging public policy issues at the local, national, and international levels.
Endowed chairs provide SIPA with a powerful recruiting tool in an intensely competitive marketplace. By encouraging outstanding faculty to continue their careers here, these chairs enhance not only the student experience but also the intellectual life of the School.
Gifts toward research provide faculty with vital in-house funding, foster a dynamic academic environment, and encourage important connections between SIPA and distinguished thought leaders.
For more information about supporting SIPA's faculty, please contact:
Katie Benvenuto
Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations
+1 215-851-4025
[email protected]
Professorships and Directorships
Professorships and directorships help to ensure that SIPA’s faculty remains strong, diverse, and forward-looking. These appointments are among the highest honors that SIPA and Columbia can bestow upon faculty members, and serve as vital tools for attracting and retaining the most talented and respected scholars.
SIPA’s thought leadership ranges wide: international trade, finance, and development; global security and foreign policy; energy and the environment; global urban policy; and well beyond. With more than 75 full-time faculty and more than 300 adjuncts, SIPA scholars and practitioners bring advanced ideas and immense experience to today’s global issues and to the education of tomorrow’s leaders. To stay in the forefront, though, we must constantly meet new challenges. The world is changing at an accelerating pace, requiring new kinds of expertise. The academic marketplace is changing, too, as we compete with better-endowed peer schools for top faculty.
Faculty Research
In addition to teaching, scholarly research is an integral part of a faculty member's career. Named research endowments underwrite faculty research projects. Gifts directed to support faculty research provide vital funding that fosters the intellectual life of SIPA.