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Job & Internship Postings

Get access to thousands of job and internship postings in SIPA Connect and get information on on-campus jobs in departments Columbia-wide.

Job & Internship Postings

Students* and alumni have direct access to the nearly 7,000 jobs that the CAC posts annually through the employment portal, SIPA Connect. To supplement your independent internship and/or job searches, the CAC conducts extensive outreach to organizations worldwide to provide students with opportunities to enhance their career development and make contact with employers. SIPA’s employer base continues to grow and contains over 3,500 diverse organizations that consider SIPA students and alumni for internships and full-time employment.

Search Jobs and Internships on SIPA Connect

*Students are granted access to SIPA Connect upon attending orientation. Incoming students are encouraged to review the CAC career developmentcareer overview, and sector-specific fact sheets, along with our employment statistics in preparation for starting your studies at SIPA. 

On-Campus Work

There are two types of on-campus student work available at Columbia University: (1) Federal Work-Study and (2) ‘casual’ positions. Federal Work-Study positions at Columbia can be found in a centralized database and are not available to all students (please see below for more information on eligibility). Casual opportunities have less restrictions but are not centralized in any database. To help you find these opportunities, we have listed on-campus departments that have been known to hire students. Since this is by no means a comprehensive list, we encourage you to also contact other departments that not listed below to inquire about casual work opportunities.
