Career Resources
Get access to general career fact sheets, career overviews, PMF information, lists of employers by sector, tips for international students, and sample resumes and cover letters, as well as online databases, paid subscriptions, and the CAC Weekly News e-newsletter.
SIPA Connect
SIPA Connect is the online portal for applying to jobs and internships, scheduling appointments with CAC career advisers and career coaches, registering for career events, and accessing SIPA's Internship Report Database and the CAC Resource Library.
Fact Sheets
Get information on different industries, interviewing and networking tips, sample employers, and PMF information.
Please note that to access many Fact Sheets, students and alumni must be signed in to their Lion Mail accounts (Columbia University email).
Career Development Fact Sheets »
Career Overview Fact Sheets »
Sector Specific Fact Sheets »
Resume/Cover Letter Templates and Action Verbs
Get access to action verbs by skill and a cover letter guide. Also get resume tips and sample resumes including federal government templates along with sample cover letters including informational and job interview templates.
CAC Forms
Access the Professional Development/Internship Waiver Request Form, CPT Form, and other documents.
Online Databases and Paid Subscriptions
SIPA's Career Advancement Center (CAC) pays for a number of online subscriptions to various publications that connect students with additional job listings in various fields (e.g., international development, security policy, human rights, public health).
Other Columbia Resources for In-Demand Skills
Get links to suggested Columbia resources for developing in-demand job skills that complement your SIPA coursework.
Stay Connected with Alumni
The SIPA Alumni and Student Network LinkedIn Group is a place for SIPA alumni, students, and faculty to reconnect, network, and continue to enhance SIPA.
Columbia's Alumni Directory is a tool to keep alumni involved and connected with Columbia.
Please note: Incoming students will be approved as group members beginning the week of orientation.