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The Institute of Global Politics’ Women’s Initiative convened on Tuesday for “The State of Child Care in New York City,” the first event since the initiative’s launch summit.
Stephen Biddle said “Iran does not want a hot war with the United States or with Israel, that’s pretty clear” in response to the strikes that were launched against Israel.
Camille François MIA '13 has been named as one of the World Economic Forum's most promising Young Global Leaders under the age of 40.
Originally from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Ruth Tekleab Mekbib MPA ’25 is copresident of SPAN (SIPA Pan-African Students Network).
Hillary Rodham Clinton said: “We have to think about employers who need to be able to have people come to work and not be ripped apart because of child care problems."
This year, roughly 2 billion voters in 80 countries will head to the polls to cast ballots in national elections.
John Mutter said that as the technology used to measure earthquake strength wasn’t widely standardized until the 1950s, it means measurements before that were less reliable than those conducted with more modern technology.
Stuart Gottlieb writes that as long as the United States and its allies and partners begin offering tangible policies that counter jihadi ideology and propaganda, we will just continue attacking the symptoms, not the causes.
Jack Snyder spoke about how to respond to human rights abuses in a way that actually has impact.