What would a Quantum Strategy Look Like for a Fortune 500 Company?



Spring 2024

As companies increasingly pivot toward digital business models, exponentially more data is generated and shared among organizations, partners, and customers. This digital information has become the lifeblood of the interconnected business ecosystem and is increasingly valuable to organizations—and to skilled threat actors. It also means companies are exposed to new digital vulnerabilities, making an effective approach to cybersecurity, privacy, and forensics more important than ever. This year's Capstone project will focus on quantum resilience. With the rise in quantum computing, quantum current encryption standards may not withstand the threat from machines capable of running more complex algorithms ever more quickly.  Some security researchers warn of ‘harvest now, decrypt later’ attacks, where encrypted data can be stockpiled in anticipation of a future computing capability.  While these threats may seem futuristic, companies need to begin to re-think their approach to cryptography to ensure resiliency. The Capstone team will answer the following questions:

  1. What risks are being identified by researchers today;
  2. What standards are being proposed by US Government and other standards bodies;
  3. What adversaries and allies are considering in this arena; and
  4. Ultimately what strategy is feasible for Fortune 50, 500 or smaller companies.