Mainstreaming Gender Lens Investing in the Financial Sector in Guatemala: An Ecosystem Analysis. From Challenges to Best Practices: A Pathway to Equity




Spring 2024

Pro Mujer launched the Gender Knowledge Lab (GKL), focusing on providing consultancy services, promoting gender knowledge, inclusion, diversity and generating innovative gender-integrated investment instruments. Its aim is to empower private, public and civil society institutions to become change agents in their respective areas and sectors, promoting gender equity, inclusion, and diversity across all their operations, and thus bridging prevailing inequity gaps in the region. GKL´s approach is holistic, rooted in understanding the barriers, opportunities, needs, and demands of women in Latin America, offering real and effective solutions based on more than 33 years of evidence. This project aims to learn more about the motivations, barriers, challenges, and solutions related to gender-sensitive investment and financial inclusion of women in Latin America, focusing on Argentina.