Salary Administration
Chartstring Fields
What is a Chartstring?
ChartStrings are the combination of fields that store the Chart of Accounts (COA) and provide the system with the basic structure to process accounting charges and credits.
- Business Unit - COLUM
- Account - Indicates the natural classification of the transaction. Salaries and Fringe transactions all have natural accounts starting with a 5. Examples: 53300- Officer of Administration, 54410- Student Casual (FT), 50400- Adjunct Professor. View the complete list of salary natural accounts.
- Department - View the complete list of SIPA Departments.
- PC Business Unit - There are three PC Business Units to select from: Capital, Sponsored Project (Grants) or General (Unrestricted, Gifts, Endowments)
- Project - An 8 character system-generated code for a specific funding source. View the complete list of Projects.
- Activity
- Initiative - Used to track financial activity related to Academic Programs or Business Activities. Examples: 41707-IPA MIA/MPA Core, 41725-IPA PEPM, 41726-IPA PESP. View the complete list of Initiatives.
- Segment - View the complete list of Segments.
A ChartString is created when each ChartField is joined together with other ChartFields. The result is a unique ChartString that contains the individual components of the ChartFields selected. Below is a representation of how the selection of ChartFields creates a unique ChartString.
Combo Codes
A Combo code is the 10-digit system-generated number representing a unique ChartString. Combo codes are used in the University’s Personnel and Payroll system (PAC) to assign salary charges. Think of the combo code as a “label” for the ChartString that is being used to pay someone.
How do I find a combo code?
Departments are responsible for maintaining budgets with active chartstrings. If a combo code was previously created, you can locate the correct combo code on the "PAC Combo Code to Chart string" spreadsheet.How do I allocate a budget for a combo code?
If you need to request a salary budget, please email Diya Bhattacharya at [email protected].How do I request a new combo code?
If you need to request a new combo code, please email the chartstring including Account, Department, Project, Initiative and Segment to Kristine Irizarry at [email protected].
Cost Transfers- Sponsored Projects
Faculty and staff must make every effort to allocate sponsored project costs to the appropriate project(s) at the time the costs are incurred. However, in certain circumstances, it is permissible to transfer costs from one project to another (“Cost Transfer”). Such cost transfers to sponsored projects are allowable only when:
- There is a direct benefit to the project being charged; and
- The cost transfer is accompanied by appropriate documentation.
Cost transfers to sponsored projects must be prepared and submitted within 90 days following the end of the month in which the original charge was posted to a University project. Thereafter, cost transfers to sponsored projects will not be permitted except in extenuating circumstances. Cost transfers which remove expenditures from sponsored projects are not subject to the 90-day time limit and must be processed at any time that it is determined that an expenditure charged to a sponsored project is not appropriate to that project.
Request Additional Compensation
Additional compensation payments are one-time or ongoing payments that are made in addition to regular earnings for active officers. This compensation is typically for work that is other than that defined by the individual’s primary responsibilities; these services must be performed outside of the employee’s normal business hours and require prior supervisory approval.
Student Timesheets are required for all additional compensation payments to students.
Please refer to the Additional Compensation Payroll Deadlines below for payroll due dates.