Workforce Needs in New York City’s IoT Ecosystem

Innovation makes cities smarter. Smarter cities attract new talent and drive outside investment. One of the ways the New York City Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation (MOTI) plans to “smarten” the city is by understanding its technology labor market as it relates to products that utilize the Internet of Things (IoT). In an effort to stay competitive with other cities in the emerging IoT space, MOTI would like to understand what NYC’s needs are in terms of IoT related jobs and what the skills are that are in demand. By doing so, it can devise ways to secure more jobs of the future. To achieve this, the team has identified IoT job-related skills which are in high demand. The team has created an algorithm that scrapes job postings from LinkedIn and compiles them onto a data dashboard. The dashboard includes a variety of metrics that reveal recent IoT job market trends including skills, education level, and certifications in demand. These will be conducted longitudinally. Once the job data is analyzed, the Mayor’s Office will examine if the top skills are being taught adequately in NYC already and then ideate and implement policies aligned with the findings.