Inclusive Prosperity and Macroeconomic Performance
The crises of the 21st century — environmental and social as well as financial — have highlighted the impact of entrenched differences in income, wealth, and opportunity. A deeper understanding of the dynamics, causes, and effects of inequality is crucial if policymakers are to promote economic stability and prosperity for all.

Center for Development Economics and Policy
One fifth of humanity lives on less than $1.25 per day, and two-fifths on less than $2 per day, with the frequent hunger, chronic health problems, and everyday indignities that such poverty entails. How can the living standards of the poor be raised? The Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP) supports microeconomic research to investigate the sources of poverty and to inform practical interventions to address them.
The mission of the Center is to promote economic prosperity in India through research; disseminating knowledge to practitioners, policymakers, students, and scholars worldwide; and ongoing dialogues on major policy issues facing India.
This initiative brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners, and central bankers from around the world in a unique collaborative effort to shed new light on how central banks and policy institutions can improve the functioning and stability of the global financial system.
Founded by Jan Svejnar, the Center produces a new wave of policy-oriented research on global economic governance, stressing excellence and recognition.
Sandra Black: Why Policy is Fundamental Towards Societal Change
“When I'm teaching policy students, I love talking about my experience and kind of integrating that with the research that I do and say, ‘Well, how is research applied in the policy environment? And how do people use it?’ I think policy is fundamental towards changing.”