Kathe Jervis Headshot

Kathe Jervis

Staff Associate in the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies

Kathe Jervis Headshot

Room 1336 IAB, MC 3347


Personal Details

Kathe Jervis is a longtime teacher and educational researcher dealing with conflict and conflict reduction. She has been co-director of a federal ethnographic study on cultural interchange and the coordinator of various programs designed to increase diversity in New York City public schools. She is the author of multiple articles about how race and class intersect with K-12 teaching and learning. After studying the school begun by the United States military on Camp Victory for Iraqi juvenile detainees picked up during the surge, she published “A School Under Fire: The Fog of Educational Practice in War” in the Journal on Education in Emergencies. December 2016 (Volume 2 Number 1).