Cristian Pop-Eleches Headshot

Cristian Pop-Eleches

Professor of International and Public Affairs

Cristian Pop-Eleches Headshot

International Affairs Building, Room 1401A

Personal Details

Focus areas: Health (early childhood interventions in Malawi), education (student allocation and teacher effort), demography (the impact of population policies)

Cristian Pop-Eleches' primary research area is applied development and labor economics with particular interest in demographic issues. He teaches courses in economic development and microeconomics.

His publications include "The Impact of an Abortion Ban on Socio-Economic Outcomes of Children: Evidence from Romania" and "The Supply of Birth Control Methods, Education and Fertility."

Cristian Pop-Eleches received his BA (1998) and PhD (2003) in economics from Harvard University.


  • PhD in Economics, Harvard University
  • BA in Economics, Harvard University

Honors and Awards

  • Organizing committee: ERMAS Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Special Lecture at KDI School in Seoul, Korea

Research And Publications

In The Media

Meet the SIPA Community

The grants are designed to support projects pursuing basic social science inquiry, policy related research, or innovative teaching initiatives.

May 16 2024

Barnwal’s work examined an Indian government program that subsidizes the purchase of cooking gas for home use.

Jul 22 2015