Cyber Risk to Financial Stability 2020 State of the Field Conference

December 14, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Online Event

<h3>Please join Columbia University&#39;s School of International and Public Affairs for our&nbsp;second annual <strong>State of the Field Conference&nbsp;on Cyber Risk to Financial Stability</strong>. In partnership&nbsp;with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, this conference will explore how cyber threats challenge financial stability and how the sector should continue to respond.&nbsp;We&nbsp;will continue the dialogue between the cyber and financial stability communities on what each is learning, what we&rsquo;re doing, and what to expect next.</h3>

<h3>We will be hosting two Zoom webinars on <strong>Monday</strong>, <strong>December 14th </strong>from 9:00am - 11:30am, and on <strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>December 15th </strong>from 9:00am&nbsp;- 11:30am.</h3>

<h3>SIPA&#39;s <a href=";id=4324eb21f6&amp;e=d3cd0370a3" target="_blank">Cyber Risk to Financial Stability (CFRS)</a>&nbsp;has brought together experts from the security, finance, and academic communities and public sector to explore drivers of systemic risk and cyber vulnerabilities in the financial system. The CRFS project over the years has held workshops and issued foundational papers on the topic.&nbsp;Like the first state-of-the-field conference, held in April 2019, it will feature remarks by a senior government official and three panels on what we have learned (new research), what we&rsquo;re doing (new projects), and what to expect in the future.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</h3>

<p><a href=";mc_eid=d3cd0370a3" target="_blank">Register Here</a></p>