Student Reflection Blogs


Student Reflection Blogs

From their Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project Experience!

As this consultancy project draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance

Welcome to the final article of the three-part series on reflections from my sustainable investing

As I write this blog post, my group remains in its final few days of wrapping up the deliverable for our

Addressing climate change, as a global commons problem, will require collective action. There is no one

In a consulting project, do clients bring in consultants to make an idealistic solution to the problem or a

Desk research and interview are the main methodologies our team used in the project

There are two ways to change an existing system. Either through wholesale destruction or incremental

In this reflection blog, I will be sharing three reflections that I have from recent experiences. I would like

As our project progressed, we became focused on securing interviews with investors to better answer

The beauty of a challenge is that we always learn something new and come out better and stronger than

As I write this blog post, I realize that I just turned in the last paper of my graduate studies. It has been a

I am extremely grateful for my experience with our client during the Sustainable Investing Consulting