Student Reflection Blogs


Student Reflection Blogs

From their Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project Experience!

In the course of the first third of this semester, I have become acquainted with many principles of 

Having previously worked with well-established international corporations such as KPMG

With the overwhelming mass of sustainability-related disclosure standards TCFD, IFRS, SFDR, CSRD

As someone with little practical experience in both sustainable investing and consulting

Navigating the sustainability industry can often feel like wading through a vast sea of acronyms

As my time at SIPA draws to a close, these past few days have slowly shifted into a period that is

Despite having had a degree, a few years of experience, and three semesters of grad school under my 

The past semester has been an irreplaceable experience in my graduate school. Starting from zero, I

As we asked the client for more data a couple of times, we came to notice that the client and their

As the semester comes to an end, it is exciting to reflect on the overall experience and progress that we

As the semester draws to a close and we are frantically trying to finalize our client presentation, I

Prior to SIPA, I worked with women workers who were in the informal sectors in emerging and