Student Reflection Blogs


Student Reflection Blogs

From their Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project Experience!

As I conclude my time at SIPA and wrap up the sustainable investing project, I feel a sense of gratitude

Corporations are becoming more aware of the detrimental effects of climate change and environmental

Last Wednesday marked the end of my MIA journey. We had the final meeting with our client, which

During my Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project with our client this semester, I had the

This reflection blog focuses on the final stages of a consulting project—the closure. A well-researched

Recently, my social media feed has been filled with articles about the crash of Silicon Valley Bank. 

Recently, my social media feed has been filled with articles about the crash of Silicon Valley Bank. As I reflect on

At this mid-way point of the semester, it feels important to evaluate where we have reached

“Left midpole solid nodule measuring up to 1.4 cm with suspicious features, TI-RADS 5. FNA recommended”. 

Scoping a project with a client can be a challenging process. The client often has a vision of what they 

The complex and underdeveloped world of corporate biodiversity disclosures has slowly

Meeting our client for the first time was the moment that crystallized their visions of scaling