Student Reflection Blogs


Student Reflection Blogs

From their Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project Experience!

On any typical consulting project, it is expected that the scope is ambiguous in the beginning

After delivering the initial report, an exhaustive and detailed landscape analysis of current

Our project has been a journey of remarkable progress, underscoring the pivotal role of diversity

Building trust within a company's team is the solid foundation upon which impactful and

Returning from the field trip to Mexico, I found myself captivated by the remarkable figure of

After approximately one month of working on our consulting project, here are crucial points that

In the pursuit of progress, adversity is an unwelcome but inevitable companion

I’m a member of a remuneration project with a company from the United Kingdom

As my team and I close the book on the first chapter of our consulting project, I am feeling rather

Delivering our interim presentation for the Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project

Over the past few weeks, our group has gained a clearer understanding of our deliverables

Metrics. Standards. Frameworks. SDGs. Ask anyone how to measure impact