Student Reflection Blogs


Student Reflection Blogs

From their Sustainable Investing Research Consulting Project Experience!

Embarking on this consultancy journey with our venture fund client and their portfolio company

This course has significantly influenced my perception of the impact investing landscape and given

I recently had a conversation about the field of sustainable finance with a friend who is also graduating

As we conclude our course, I would like to share some reflections on the past few months

Taking part in the impact investing class has been a transformative experience that has significantly

Exploring the transformative potential of Peace Renewable Energy Credits (P-RECs) and the need for ESG disclosure frameworks to better capture the

My team embarked on a journey throughout this semester, tackling a myriad of challenges for our client

The awareness gained from our exploration of the family business have significantly influenced the

Our client wanted a company database that includes a wide variety of financial and ESG data as our final

By the second half of the semester, our team had built a relationship with our client and had done research

As the sun sets on the semester, I can’t help but reflect on how formative this consulting experience has been

As the semester winds down, it's time to reflect on our journey. Our path began with most teams having