SIPA Building

Email Access while at SIPA


Columbia is committed to promoting the safety and security of all students, faculty, and staff. As an employee of the University, it is your responsibility to protect sensitive or confidential University information, defined by the University’s Data Classification Policy.

What You Need to Know 

All users at Conlumbia University are provided a UNI based email, which is accessible at and is subject to CUIT email policies. SIPA Administrators are provided a [email protected] email address on Microsoft Office 365 while at SIPA. In order to protect unsecured sharing of sensitive information, and to ensure compliance with the University’s policy, SIPAMAIL automatically encrypts emails with sensitive data, such as SSN, DOB, Credit Card, banking information, Visa, and Passport information. This policy is in effect as of fall 2014.  For further questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]. For assistance with encryption, please send an email to [email protected].

Termination of Service at SIPA

SIPAMAIL is terminated at the end of employment. Users must arrange data transfer for their successor.

Data for Business Continuity

Users are responsible for ensuring that work-related data is made available to be transferred for the successor. This includes documents on the local system (desktop or laptop), network drive, shared network drive, and emails related to work/projects. Users are responsible for removing any personal data on the last date of their employment. Managing personal data files and emails is user responsibility. The user may consult with SIPA IT and request assistance to facilitate a transition.

The SIPA network login ID, Email at SIPA and any related access will be terminated at the end of the user’s last day of employment at SIPA. While respecting the privacy of a user, in circumstances where the user has not made the data available before leaving, the General Counsel (GC) may authorize reading of the data. Please refer to University policy for situations where the data may be accessed.

Return of SIPA, CU Property

If the user has received any of the following from SIPA IT, these must be returned before leaving SIPA. For assistance, please contact [email protected].

  • Laptop
  • Phone
  • iPad/Tablet
  • Any accessories
  • USB flash drive with SIPA data
  • Any other special device